Monday, May 14, 2012

Things I've Been Up To...

I haven't updated this blog in quite a bit of time. A lot of things have changed, things have been added into my life and taken out at the same time. Some things that will probably never change: my love for Robert Pattinson and Zac Efron. Those two are here to stay. However, I've added so many new obsessions to my life and I feel the need to share them. First of all, something that has been taking up a lot of my time is a little band called The Cab. If you know anything about me, or know me personally, you know I cannot shut up about this band and how fantastic they are.
They've probably become my third obsession after Twilight and Disney, which says a lot. I saw them twice in concert, which only further fueled my obsession followed by about a month of constant YouTube video watching discovering many news things about them. For example, the lead singer (and the rest of the band actually) are probably the sweetest, most down to Earth human beings I have ever had the pleasure of meeting... and two of the three LOVE Disney. So, it's only natural for me to feel some sort of connection to them. They really are truly amazing guys with so much appreciation for their fans that they stay after their show to meet every single one of us. It's so refreshing to see. The boys are from Las Vegas and their music is just fucking inspirational. I wrote Alex (the lead singer) a letter when I saw them-- but I'm still waiting for my response, so get to it kid! If you haven't already heard their music, be sure to check them out. Great lyrics, fun beat and an all around good time.

Their latest album dropped this past August called Symphony Soldier, and before that they had Whisper War, released in 2008, which are basically their masterpieces.
Listen. Love it. Embrace it. Live it.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Gleeful moments of season deux...

With half the season having come and gone, let us reminisce about the top moments thus far. Or at least MY favorite moments... Some of them are songs, some are characters being brought in, and maybe I'll throw in an entire episode just because I thought it was THAT amazeballs.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Letter to my favorite fan site...

Recently, my favorite fan site Letters To Twilight did a post on the Moviefone biggest Twilight fan contest... And boy did I have a lot of things to say about THAT! I don't disagree with them AT ALL...and I think it's about time a fellow fan, such as myself, speaks up about the steroetypes that come with being a Twilight fan... I will never take a bullet for a member of the cast... For the record...

Monday, November 1, 2010

and then I'm reminded why I obsess...

Read after the break for some words on vampires... Disney... friends... and maybe some surprises..

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

While on Hiatus...

Hello all.
First, I'd like to apologize for disappearing for so long. I started Nursing School in August and it has pretty much dissolved any semblance of a life I ever had. One thing I HAVE been doing is going to concerts, getting new music on a weekly, if not daily, basis and learning a lot with this whole Nursing School nonsense..
Scrub your hands while singing the Happy Birthday song kiddos!

I couldn't really decide what to write on this post... All I know is that i felt like writing.. So, we'll see where this leads..

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

No Witty Title For This Post

EXTREMELY Random Blog Post

This is the "I have nothing interesting to write about at the moment, So I'll just write the most random shit ever with fun pictures and captions attached to it" post... continue at your own risk..

Monday, August 2, 2010

Concert Season


That's right, the year's hottest bands are going on Summer tours and I'm a lucky bastard because I get to see them!! Now, I will say this... My taste in music varies.. One of the concerts I'm going to may cause some of you to lose respect for me. I'm okay with that because ultimately it is MY taste in music. So here goes... In order of appearance.. Concerts I'll have the honor to enjoy and what I want to hear when I'm there. I do also plan to tailgate and get on a good level for each concert...

Maybe not THIS bad...
Follow the cut for Five rounds of Eargasms

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Late > Never.

The movie has been out for about one month already, and chances are, if you’re reading this, that you’ve already seen it (probably more than once). Nonetheless, this post is swimming with spoilers. Fair warning.

cue: "Chop and Change" by The Black Keys.... now.
Today’s post will be my reaction to a little known movie called Eclipse. Maybe you’ve heard of it? Well, if you haven’t I’m pretty sure you’ve been living in a bat cave. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that I’ve already seen the movie numerous times. Enough times to know when Edward and Alice will appear on the screen to put my panties in a twist. I’m going to go ahead and assume you all know the character names and if you don’t, well – like Edward said, “You can Google it.”

because we all want our google search to be beautiful?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

These Past Weeks Through My Eyes

In today's post I'll be quickly discussing a few things that have been brought to my attention these past few weeks. There have been a lot of things happening, so the post will be cut in two. In no particular order of importance, however I'm sure you can guess which events were at the TOP of my list :)


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fashion Police? More like Fashion Fire Rescue...

Fashion (noun): The style characteristic of the social elite.
Fashion is in the eye of the beholder. Someone could think shoulder pads on a women's blazer is fashionable in any era, whilst any other sane human being would rather use those shoulder pads to create a travel neck pillow of some sort. But, fashion for low class people (you know, people like YOU, ME... Vanessa Hudgens...) is fairly simple.

We throw on a nice little black dress, accessorize it and you're out the door and ready to take on the town. Chances are none of us will be getting photographed obnoxiously by paparazzi and getting criticized to the point that it can hurt our career. But the fact of the matter is that celebrities apparently cannot dress themselves therefore, they hire stylists who in the end can't dress themselves either causing them to humiliate the celebrity appointed to them. Now, not all celebrities are hot messes...
read more after the JUMP.